(epochs, stimulation_frequency, noisebandwidth=1.0, compute_harmonics=range(2, 5), compute_subharmonics=range(2, 5), compute_intermodulation=range(2, 5), psd=None, freqs=None, fmin=0.1, fmax=50, tmin=None, tmax=None, compute_tfr=False, tfr_method=’rls’, tfr_time_window=0.9)[source]
Turns epoched EEG/MEG data into epoched evoked frequency data.
This is the main class in ssvepy
Parameters: |
- epochs (
mne.Epochs ) – An instance of Epoch data.
- stimulation_frequency (int, float, or list) – The frequencies at which the stimulation oscillated.
- noisebandwidth (float) – The width of the noise band used to calculate the
signal-to-noise ratio.
- compute_harmonics (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- compute_subharmonics (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- compute_intermodulation (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- psd (
numpy.ndarray ) – If you have already computed the power spectrum with some
other method, pass it as a parameter.
- freqs (
numpy.ndarray ) – If you provide a power spectrum, this has to be the
frequencies over which it was evaluated.
- fmax (fmin,) – Bounds of frequency band to be evaluated
- tmax (tmin,) – The time points between which power will be evaluated
- compute_tfr (bool) – If you want to evaluate the time-frequency decomposition
(this applies to the stimulation and non-linear combination
frequencies only.)
- tfr_method (str) – Currently, only one method is implemented (‘rls’)
- tfr_time_window (float) – The window width for the TFR method.
obj – a data structure with the following attributes:
, stimulation.power
harmonics, subharmonics, intermodulations
obj – non-linear combination of
your input stimulus frequencies, all with the attributes:
, _.power
, _.snr
, _.order
– the power spectrum
– the frequencies at which the psd was evaluated
– the signal-to-noise ratio for each frequency in freqs
These are the methods that are added by ssvepy. All methods, including the inherited ones, are at the end of the page.
plot_psd ([collapse_epochs, collapse_electrodes]) |
Plot the power-spectrum that has been calculated for this data. |
plot_snr ([collapse_epochs, collapse_electrodes]) |
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum that has been calculated for this data. |
plot_tfr ([frequency, collapse_epochs, …]) |
Plot the time-course of one of the evoked frequencies. |
predict_epochs (labels[, trainepochs, …]) |
This method is for predicting the labels of trials based on the SSVEP power in a trial. |
predict_timepoints (labels[, trainingtrials, …]) |
This method is for predicting the labels of trials based on the SSVEP power in a trial. |
save (filename) |
Save the data to file. |
topoplot_psd ([collapse_epochs, flims]) |
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum across the scalp. |
topoplot_snr ([collapse_epochs, flims]) |
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum across the scalp. |
Methods Details
(epochs, stimulation_frequency, noisebandwidth=1.0, compute_harmonics=range(2, 5), compute_subharmonics=range(2, 5), compute_intermodulation=range(2, 5), psd=None, freqs=None, fmin=0.1, fmax=50, tmin=None, tmax=None, compute_tfr=False, tfr_method=’rls’, tfr_time_window=0.9)[source]
Turns epoched EEG/MEG data into epoched evoked frequency data.
This is the main class in ssvepy
Parameters: |
- epochs (
mne.Epochs ) – An instance of Epoch data.
- stimulation_frequency (int, float, or list) – The frequencies at which the stimulation oscillated.
- noisebandwidth (float) – The width of the noise band used to calculate the
signal-to-noise ratio.
- compute_harmonics (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- compute_subharmonics (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- compute_intermodulation (list |
numpy.ndarray ) – Integers of which order of harmonics to compute. Can be None.
- psd (
numpy.ndarray ) – If you have already computed the power spectrum with some
other method, pass it as a parameter.
- freqs (
numpy.ndarray ) – If you provide a power spectrum, this has to be the
frequencies over which it was evaluated.
- fmax (fmin,) – Bounds of frequency band to be evaluated
- tmax (tmin,) – The time points between which power will be evaluated
- compute_tfr (bool) – If you want to evaluate the time-frequency decomposition
(this applies to the stimulation and non-linear combination
frequencies only.)
- tfr_method (str) – Currently, only one method is implemented (‘rls’)
- tfr_time_window (float) – The window width for the TFR method.
obj – a data structure with the following attributes:
, stimulation.power
harmonics, subharmonics, intermodulations
obj – non-linear combination of
your input stimulus frequencies, all with the attributes:
, _.power
, _.snr
, _.order
– the power spectrum
– the frequencies at which the psd was evaluated
– the signal-to-noise ratio for each frequency in freqs
(collapse_epochs=True, collapse_electrodes=False, **kwargs)[source]
Plot the power-spectrum that has been calculated for this data.
Parameters: |
- collapse_epochs (bool) – Whether you want to plot the average of all epochs (default),
or each power-spectrum individually.
- collapse_electrodes (bool) – Whether you want to plot each electrode individually
(default), or only the average of all electrodes.
(collapse_epochs=True, collapse_electrodes=False, **kwargs)[source]
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum that has been calculated for
this data.
Parameters: |
- collapse_epochs – bool
Whether you want to plot the average of all epochs (default),
or each power-spectrum individually.
- collapse_electrodes – bool
Whether you want to plot each electrode individually
(default), or only the average of all electrodes.
(frequency=’stimulation’, collapse_epochs=True, collapse_electrodes=False, figsize=(7, 5))[source]
Plot the time-course of one of the evoked frequencies.
Parameters: |
- frequency (str) – Which evoked frequency to plot. Either ‘stimulation’,
‘harmonic’, ‘subharmonic’ or ‘intermodulation’
- collapse_epochs (bool) – Whether to average over the epochs or not.
- collapse_electrodes (bool) – Whether to average over electrodes or not.
- figsize (tup) – Matplotlib figure size.
(labels, trainepochs=None, method=LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=10, class_weight=None, cv=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1.0, max_iter=100, multi_class=’ovr’, n_jobs=1, penalty=’l2’, random_state=None, refit=True, scoring=None, solver=’lbfgs’, tol=0.0001, verbose=0))[source]
This method is for predicting the labels of trials based on the SSVEP
power in a trial.
Parameters: |
- labels (
numpy.ndarray ) – Labels for each trial; needs to be the same length as there are epochs.
- trainepochs (list) – A list of trial indices that will be used to train - e.g. range(6) - or an ndarray of booleans of the same size as label. The trials in this index will be used as training trials, and the returned accuracy is based on the trials not used for training.
- method (sklearn.class) – A training class that conforms to the standard sklearn model (ie has the methods fit(), predict() etc.)
(labels, trainingtrials=None, datatransform=None, method=LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=10, class_weight=None, cv=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1.0, max_iter=100, multi_class=’ovr’, n_jobs=1, penalty=’l2’, random_state=None, refit=True, scoring=None, solver=’lbfgs’, tol=0.0001, verbose=0))[source]
This method is for predicting the labels of trials based on the SSVEP
power in a trial.
Parameters: |
- labels (
numpy.ndarray ) – Labels for each timepoint; the dimensions should match
(trial x timepoint)
- trainepochs (list) – A list of trial indices that will be used to train - e.g. range(6) - or an ndarray of booleans of the same size as label. The trials in this index will be used as training trials, and the returned accuracy is based on the trials not used for training.
- datatransform (str) – What transform to do to the TFR data - at the moment, ‘z-score’ works.
- method (sklearn.class) – A training class that conforms to the standard sklearn model (ie has the methods fit(), predict() etc.)
Save the data to file.
Parameters: | filename (str) – The name of the file, either bare, or with the file
extension .hdf5 |
(collapse_epochs=True, flims=’stimulation’, **kwargs)[source]
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum across the scalp.
Parameters: |
- collapse_epochs – bool
Whether you want to plot the average of all epochs (default),
or each power-spectrum individually.
- flims – list | str
Which frequency bands you want to plot. By default, the
stimulation frequencies will be plotted. Can be limits (eg.
[6, 8]) or a string referring to an evoked frequency (eg.
‘stimulation’, ‘harmonic’)
(collapse_epochs=True, flims=’stimulation’, **kwargs)[source]
Plot the signal-to-noise-ratio-spectrum across the scalp.
Parameters: |
- collapse_epochs – bool
Whether you want to plot the average of all epochs (default),
or each power-spectrum individually.
- flims – list | str
Which frequency bands you want to plot. By default, the
stimulation frequencies will be plotted. Can be limits (eg.
[6, 8]) or a string referring to an evoked frequency (eg.
‘stimulation’, ‘harmonic’)